・Fits with NEW & REMODELED Bathroom: SR SUN RISE 4-Way Tub Shower Faucet Set (Valve and Cartridge Included) NOT compatible with existing shower and need to remove tiles. Requires in wall plumbing changes from your current shower. Please consult Your Plumber before purchasing.
・U.S. Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC): SR SUN RISE designed to provide consumers with safe and sanitary shower systems. Products are in compliance with the following standard(s): ASME A112.18.1-2018/CSA B125.1-18.
・Anti Scald Temperature Control: Pressure-Balanced Valve Cartridge (included) able to ensure that there's an even water flow and the right temperature. You can calmly continue singing in the shower - without the risk of being burned or getting a cold shock.
・All Metal Construction: Square Metal design Faucet, no worries about breaking. METAL construction is more durable than plastic, and provides a longer service life.
・100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Backed by a 10-year , any product quality problem can be guaranteed free of charge, and the shower cartridge is permanently replaced free of charge. SR SUN RISE always stands by its customers. Contact our 24-hour customer service team for any questions or concerns. Customer Service: +1 888-232-9842
説明: shower faucet
メーカー: ?Guangdong yakult sanitary CO
高さ: 39.5 センチ
幅: 34.2 センチ
奥行: 13.7 センチ
重量: 3.9 Kg
残り 1 点 25690.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
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23830.00 円
エプソン EPSON プロフェッショナルフォトペーパー(薄手半光沢) B1ロール 728mm×30.5m PXMCB1R13 1本
15420.00 円
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7610.00 円
ART WORK STUDIO Mail box (メールボックス) GN(グリーン) TK-2076
17510.00 円
(沖縄県を除く) ツールワゴン ベーシックタイプ ブラック KT-909F
23410.00 円